Wednesday, 24 January 2018

conscientisation programme


"Conscientisation or critical awereness is a popular education ad social concept developed by brazilian pedagogue and educational theorist PauloFreire."
On friday 8th of December 2017 conscientisation programme on topic of social media abuse was held in the 6th & 7th period in the class IX H of Mount Tabor Girls High School ,Pathanapuram.
We, a group of three teacher trainees conducted the conscientisation programme. At the begining, shibi teacher gave an introduction to he conscientisation programme namely "keep your personal life personal".
She provided a chart consists of news headlines related to the topic social media abuses and asked them to read it.
Through a picture she explained how students go addicted to the social networks.She checked their previous knowledge about the social media and introduced some concepts related to social media.
After that Teena teacher showed a power point presentation on the topic social media abuseto the students.She familiarised different social media tools like facebook,Twitter,Google plus,Instagram,You tube ,LinkedIn,etc to them.She explained the positives and negatives of social media.
Deena tacher elaboates the topi through a shortfilm "BODHINI". Bodhini is a social movemen from Rotary club of cochin metropolis to educate society on crime against women and children,drug abuse, and cybercrimes. This short film directed by the reputed director shyama prasad and lead by actress Pavathy is aimed by addressing the issue on online sexual predators whoar hosting socialnetworks to trap children.

Teacher also provides a brochure related to the same topic to the students. Stusents idenified some disadvantages of networking and Do's and don'ts on social networking.
we motivated the students to share their new experiences and views about the programme.  Two of them presented a role play according to the situation provided by the teachers.
At the validictory session , we provided some chart paper to the students in groups. they prepared posters from their ideas generated from the conscientisation programme and displayed the posters to the whole class.We also collected feedbacks from the students.

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